If done properly this will also enable you to use pressure sensitive buttons without any further configuration. You'll still need to bind the controls. For PCSX-R's hotkeys, since Windows messaging input kills them. Set keyboard input to raw while you're at it. Now disable all other Game Device APIs other than native if you haven't already. Then copy over XInput1_3.dll from /bin/Win32/ to PCSX2 or PCSX-Reloaded's directory. To prevent crashing, which seems to vary from system to system. You may also need to disable DirectInput and XInput before the next step. Change the pad plugin in PCSX2 or PCSX-Reloaded from the default LilyPad to the LilyPad-SCP version. Copy the LilyPad-Scp-r5350.dll from the /bin/Win32/ folder and paste it into the plugins folder. It works really well.ĭouble check your Game Device APIs boxes. I use a program called scp server to use my ds4 on PC. It will make your DS4 appear as an Xbox controller and will work with SFV. If you are using a dual shock 4, Google a program called input mapper and install it. The file ScpControl.dll here is for the version so first check if your version is that and this modded file can fix a lot of fake PS3. Hi im bringing a SOLUTION to the bluetooth problem on knock off controllers of PS3/PS4 in the Scp Toolkit software that you can download it here to make it work on your PC as explained here. You can probably use both DualShock 3 and 4 controllers with Scp server, you just won't be able to customize the buttons, etc like on DS4Windows. Scptoolkit does have DS4 drivers available, though. I'm pretty sure both applications take exclusive control of your Bluetooth drivers when they're running.
We'll do our best to address them in a timely manner. Nevertheless, if you have faced any difficulty or problem while installing it, you can send us a screenshot using the contact form.
Interface is very simple and easy to use. These are the snaps from actual DS4Tool software.
This is possible via the SCP Toolkit (with step by step instructions on how to set up) and Bluetooth/USB on the Playstation controllers. Connect PS3/PS4 Controller to Windows in 5 Minutes Easy: Did you know that you can use your PS3 / PS4 controller to play games on the PC.