
Nbm Lp Delta Zone
Nbm Lp Delta Zone

Nbm Lp Delta Zone

In all communications among members the strong name is used. Strong name (SN): name given at initiation, “Aye/Lord” plus usually the name of an African freedom fighter, dictator or terrorist, for example “Lord Muammar Gadhaffi”.

Nbm Lp Delta Zone

  • Baggers: member of the Buccaneers confraternity (Sealords), another rival cult of NBM.
  • Tingo/Bird: member of the Eiye confraternity (Airlords), the rival cult hated most by NBM.
  • Injew: member of a different cult group.
  • Ju/jew (name): someone who has not been initiated / real name.
  • There is talk about jus and virgins having been sacrificed at jollies.
  • Jollification/Jolly: gathering of members (also for initiation), parties.
  • Bam is also used as an expression of approval (“you bam”)
  • Blending/Bamming: initiation into the cult.
  • Aye is an abbreviation of “African Youth Empowerment”. The term “aye” is also used as a greeting among members. Those are known for gang wars, cult killings and rape at Nigerian universities.
  • Aye: a campus member, also known as “Temple Aye”.
  • Axeman: Members of NBM refer to each other as axemen (or alternatively lord, bam, amigos, wise/strong men).
  • This again was changed to “Uhuru Magazine” later. “Black Axe” also became the name of the magazine published by the movement. The name was changed to “Black Axe” then finally Neo Black Movement, even though it remains the inofficial name.

    Nbm Lp Delta Zone

    Black Axe: This is a metamorphosis of the first name of the movement “Black Barracards”.Axes are also part of the regalia worn by members. The often used code “147” means “one for seven” = one for (Black) Axe/NBM. Because of its shape it is also referred to as “7”. Outsiders (“jus”) are not supposed to understand what they are talking about. Some of the following terms are part of the “coded” language used within NBM for secrecy purposes, among other reasons. Like most secret cults, confraternities and similar groups, members of NBM aka Black Axe cult ( for a general introduction see ) use special items and expressions to describe themselves and others, the structures within the group and so on.

    Nbm Lp Delta Zone